Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Our Booth at the Golden Heritage Days Festival in Sept 2013

Sorry to not have shared this earlier, but better late than never.

Those of you in Princeton might remember this.

This was taken on that rainy Friday.  So the signs for some of the free items that we gave away didn't fair so well, and had to be replaced early Saturday morning.  We had attempted to make the sheet protectors water proof from the start, but it didn't work so well.

The cotton candy that you see hanging up, was made inside a sister church, because spinning it outside in the high humidity DOES NOT WORK.

The pop-corn machine also took almost all day Saturday to dry out, before we got it popping again.  Perhaps someday the Association's pop-up booth will have sides like some of the others we saw.  But time works wonders for drying things out, and since the rains didn't keep everyone away, we were happy to stay and continue passing things out that first day.  It actually gave us a chance to get a little more organized.

Don't let the photo mislead you - it must have been the only time we weren't busy.

Love ministering to and getting to know the folks of Princeton, IN.

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